Wednesday, September 26, 2007

TJP Fall Gathering

Gentlemen, I would like to call our first fall gathering. How does the date(s) of Friday November 2nd and Saturday November 3rd sound? I am trying to get the beach house in Imperial Beach and we could all meet up Friday evening and stay until Saturday evening. For those who couldn't make Friday, we could just have you come on Saturday. I would also like your input regarding what the time should look like, who will facilitate what, basically what's our plan. Post your comments and I will put together what seems to be a consensus plan and we'll go from there.

Friday, September 14, 2007

New Longshot Post

It's been a while, but one of Sam's comments on TJP and Dan's devotions from the OT spurred this meditation on. Here it is.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Be Thou My Vision

I have been thinking a lot about some of the conversation that has followed the last TJP meeting, especially in regards each of our battles with overcoming besetting sin, temptation, fears, insecurities, and anxieties. I know that these are perplexing issues that I am definitely facing in some powerfully real ways (I would be happy to share this with you guys here, but for the sake of brevity I wont). In the midst of this God brought some encouraging thoughts to mind:

To be certain, we must do battle with these issues. But the end goal is not to overcome sin or grow in godly confidence (though God certainly wills these things for us), rather it is to know and behold Christ. This is the end goal, and the essence of our eternal life. Often I find myself on the loosing end of my own battles with insecurity, fear, and cowardice, however I do find it very encouraging that in the midst of the fight I can be "fixing my eyes on Jesus..." Inner transformation seems to be a whole lot more realistic in the radiance of His face. Be encouraged brothers, in the midst of the battle you can find strength and grace simply by looking upon Him. Do what the old hymn says:

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full on His wonderful face
And the things of this world will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Prayers During The Squal

I'm writing this post as the first cry for the brethren's help in our movement to push eachother towards Christlikeness. As most of you know I work in a tough industry...spritually that is. I am surrounded by the feast of the world and I have all it's fixings at my finger tips. I'm getting ready to start another round of trade shows for the next two weeks and I feel the need to call in the reinforcements. Ya see, the thing is that I can not trust myself in these types of settings. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail. So many times I've thought that I could handle it and then I end up with some broad.
I don't really know what else to ask of you guys but to pray for me, send me texts, or even come hang out one night and keep me in line. Whatever the Lord leads you to do than do it.
I thank you guys and I will rest in the confidence that the Lord will give me strength and deliver me from any form of evil.