Friday, October 5, 2007

Prayer Request

It's kind of last minute, but if you could pray for me, that would be great. I'm teaching sunday in the HS group and its coming along real slow - every time I sit down to think I get frustrated and nothing comes up or out or anything. I've been working for 7 days straight between my two jobs and I work tomorrow at church and at the brigantine tomorrow night, and Saturday the HS group is going to Magic Mountain (which I have to be at church at 5:30 am and back at 10 pm) then I am teaching on Sunday. Basically, i have 6 hours or so tomorrow to write a sermon and I've hit a wall. If you remember to, please pray for me. Thanks guys


Jedidiah said...

Brother, I will be praying for you. I know you like to be fully prepared, but sometimes that just doesn't come no matter how hard you try. But, God will be faithful to communicate what He wants through you, I am confident of this.

J-Rutt said...

I will pray as well brother.
Not that you need to fly by the seat of your pants but maybe the Lord wants to communicate something other than what you think through you on Sunday.

Rubbermagnet said...

i am a pray'n. follow jed's words, its true, and also you could fully pull a jonny edwards, the guy read from his notes the whole time, i did that once, god communicated, and by the way paul put people to sleep with his skills and god raises people from the dead, so its all good.