Monday, March 5, 2007

Form Follows Function

I definitely can't take credit for the axiom of "form follows function". In fact, the concept was reiterated when my wife and I were attending the pastor's class at North Coast Church. Larry Osbourne (head pastor at NCC) explained to those of us who wanted to find out more about North Coast why North Coast looks the way it does. He broke it down simply, explaining that the reason why North Coast places such and emphasis on multiple worship venues and small groups (forms) is to create disciples in a healthy church environment (function). All of the forms that NCC has taken on follows that simple function.

How TJP looks should simply follow its function or its purpose. For example the purpose of the Starship Enterprise is "to boldly go where no man has gone before." It can accomplish this purpose beautifully with a spaceship (form) and disastrously with a race car (form). I like the idea of a Zine and I think it is valid. But I need to see what function it's going to serve. We haven't quite come to a defined purpose which is fine, but it think it is important before we go off and say we're starting a Zine or anything of the sort. When we ask "what is the Jubilee project?" We should be able to say, "TJP is ____________." We need to get to that point, and then decide if a Zine is an efficient means to accomplish our purpose.

Here's a quick example:

Shaun has a website - Ruler of Nations.
Q: What is the Ruler of Nations function?
A: The Ruler of Nations function is to afflicts the comfortable.
Q: What is the Ruler of Nations form?
A: The Ruler of Nations form is a website of collected writings that challenge prevailing thought, expose stupidity, and scrutinize reality in ways that can make the reader uncomfortable with their current way of thinking.
For example: I could think that I am really grown-up and mature now and that my single buddies are a bunch of lawless wild bandits, but Shaun has pointed out in his "drunken memoirs" that I was a wild, lawless bandit not very long ago. This might be uncomfortable for me to admit, but it serves a good purpose of remembering that even though some circumstances in my life have forced me to grow-up, I have a sordid past that requires me to remember how merciful God is and that I have no place for arrogance. Shaun's form - a website accomplished his function - afflicting the comfortable (in this case me) very efficiently. The outcome of afflicting the comfortable had a marvelous effect in helping to reinforce my need for humility (check out the relation between afflict and humble in Hebrew, they're the same word), so kudos to Shaun for doing what he does well.

Sam had alluded to the TJP in an earlier post as "an idea centered around liberty, justice, and reconciliation as functions of the Kingdom." Let's play with this idea as it pertains to form and function for a little while:

Q: What is The Jubilee Project's function?
A: The Jubilee Project promotes liberty, justice, and reconciliation as integral components of the Kingdom of God.
Q: What is The Jubilee Project's form? (Lets throw out a few examples here valid & absurd)
A1: TJP makes Christian T-Shirts
A2: TJP is a board that diverts funds to ministries that exemplify the promotion of liberty, justice, and reconciliation in the Kingdom
A3: TJP is an e-Zine that publishes content (aesthetic and written) that addresses issues of justice, liberty, and reconciliation within the Kingdom.
A4: TJP is a group of friends who are committed to carrying out the purpose of TJP through the normal course of their lives.
A5: TJP is a church
A6: TJP produces & promotes music that embodies our purpose
A7: TJP sits around drinking beer and criticizing the Church and Christians for all their downfalls and resolves to do nothing meaningful about it
A8: TJP is a winery
A9: TJP designs really cool stickers to meet the high demand of the SoCal driver that promotes our purposes
A10: TJP is surfboard manufacturer

There are certainly lots of good and bad forms to carry out TJP's function. In the function I stated above I don't intend to communicate that it should definitely be our function, it was stated for the sake of the illustration. With that said, does a Zine fit within the gist of what TJP is? I think so, but let's be sure before we dive headlong into this without contemplating the purpose and being able to articulate it clearly. So I propose a two step inquiry -

1) What is the purpose/function of The Jubilee Project?

2) What form should the Jubilee Project take?

Lets nail down 1 and then we can sufficiently answer 2.

By all means feel free to disagree with anything I have posted, I think it is important that we don't all just nod our heads in approval if there are any reservations or issues that surface during this initial dialogue.


J-Rutt said...

Here would be my simple answer to those two questions asked.

1.) What is the Jubilee Project?
- I think you answered it already Jed. A2: TJP is a board that diverts funds to ministries that exemplify the promotion of liberty, justice, and reconciliation in the Kingdom. * (see note below)

2.) What is the Jubilee Project's form?
- The Jubilee Project takes from the rich and gives to the Kingdom (whether that be rich, poor, middle-class, wherever...we haven't gotten that far yet.) Basically, if Bob Mcknight is making millions of dollars because of Quiksilver than why can't we tap into that money that is out there and use those millions to glorify the kingdom of God.

*note...these 'ministries' don't necessarily have to have religious and spiritual connections to the general public. For example, the Zine doesn't have to have an iota about Christianity in it, but any type of revenue that is brought in will go to funding church ministries or other Jubilee Project ministries.

Yeah, yeah, I know...this is all easier said than done. All of our words are soon to be tested.

Sam said...

The whole idea for TJP I believe is captured in its name. The idea is derived from Leviticus 25, Isaiah 61, and Luke 4. Jubilee etymylogically centers around the idea of "proclamation" or "heralding" as in the blast of a horn. The "proclamation" is of a message, the message of "the Year of the Lord's favor." In salvation history this is the heralding of the dawn of a new epoch in which YHWH's favor is poured out. The implications of this favor being poured out is "good news for the afflicted... the binding up of the broken hearted... liberty to captives... and freedom to prisoners." It is also a day of "vengeance" for God. Even as I write these very words my heart surges within me. This is the essence of what we do. It is the heralding of a message. It is to be loud and startling like the blast of a trumpet. It is to call people to wake up to the dawn of this new epoch. The heralding of this message has two implications depending on whom the message lands. It is either liberty, freedom, and reconciliation, or it is vengeance and wrath. In summation, TJP exists to herald a message whose twin edges open the doors to liberty or to wrath.

Sam said...

I'll have more to say tomorrow on form... have to sleep for now

Jedidiah said...

Ruttski, Samwise,

As I look at what you are both saying in your comments, they seem different to me, which is fine. I feel like my role right know is to be the pain in the arse who points this stuff out. Right now I am not committed to any form or function. I have some ideas, but that is all they are. Honestly I get more joy out of the dialogue than I do from the answer.

If I were to analyze Justin's take, TJP is an organization kind of like a benevolent mafia that functions is the secular world sort of incognito to accomplish God's purposes.

If I were to analyze Sam's TJP is a church. Seriously brother, you just described the prophetic role of the church in the current age.

These are two very different forms that serve a common function. Let's say that TJP's function is to "promote liberty, justice, and reconciliation in the Kingdom", that should never change. The form however is transferable and can exist in several different ways simultaneously depending on the gifts and skills (knowledge) of each member. It could exist as a church and as a Zine and as a Board. That all depends on the Lord's leading.

Sam said...
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Sam said...

"TJP is an organization kind of like a benevolent mafia that functions is the secular world sort of incognito to accomplish God's purposes." Yes, I agree. My comment was about the "function" of TJP, Justin's seemed to be more about its "form." I do feel like we exist to fulfill the prophetic function of the church. Now TJP is not a "church" but neither is it "para-church," I just see ourselves as members of Christ's body accomplishing His purposes in the world. The particular form this will take in our case as "members of His body" is a sort of benevolent mafia.

Jedidiah said...

OK cool lets see if we're on the same page now:

FUNCTION: "promote liberty, justice, and reconciliation in the Kingdom"

FORM: A board that diverts funds to ministries that exemplify our purpose (ie: function).

Correct me if I am wrong here guys.

If this is the case then I have some questions:

1) Is the proposed form the best way to carry out our function?
2) What funds do we have to divert?
3)How are we going to accumulate funds to be diverted?
4)If this is not the best way to accomplish our function then what is?