Thursday, March 8, 2007

Some Kindred Spirits

I was doing what I love to do this evening and I found a few groups that are doing some of the stuff we are contemplating. I definitely think we have a lot to learn from these groups and it would be awesome to establish some sort of dialogue with them. Check them out:

Brewing Culture

Gideon Strauss

There's another one I want to run down but it's on my work computer, I'll add it later...

Edit: Here's that other Site:



J-Rutt said...

There are no new ideas under the sun.

Jedidiah said...

Except for the "Jump-to-Conclusions Mat"

Sam said...

My friend trey sklar has done some work with brewing culture, it looks pretty interesting. I also really dug culture-ish, thoughtful, well composed, good stuff eh?

Rubbermagnet said...

hey i was thinking of another route. i don't know if you all have seen "Amazing Grace", but remember how they had the parliament vote for their bill. they went the round about way. i know what i am saying will probably take amples of research and we would need to figure out a direction but most important e need a think tank sess. Maybe during or after sam's little on comes. all i'm saying is yes there is nothing new under the sun and yes God doesn't need us to further His kingdom, but he made us and gave us gifts and by God i am going to use them. and i hope you brothers are too. i love each of you. night.

Jedidiah said...

Word, I definitely think we need to have a live conference in the near future between all founding members. And here's a little caveat...often these turn into bro sessions. This was great when we were all single, but I know my wife has one of the most finely tuned b.s. detectors in the history of the universe and I want her there. Sam I am glad you have Anjuli as a contributor and I would hope that she would be there as well (Manoah permitting). As hard as it might be to believe we need female perspective and influence on TJP, they bring a lot more practicality and emotional intelligence to the mix than the bretheren would by themselves.

Rubbermagnet said...

see my comment in liberty....

AaronPeet said...

My dear friends. It has been a long time.. I think I'm all caught up with what has been said, but the night is nearly over now. I will post soon.