Thursday, August 16, 2007

Piper on Church-Planting

All of us should watch this, it hit me like a freight train. Mighty words from a man of God.


AaronPeet said...

Great clarity on how to pursue Christ and how to be careful in establishing firm strategies for building a local church.
This message doesn't seem to give me much clarity into how we should pursue building a local church and/or the qualifications to do so. It seems to simply state- Christ will build His church. It leaves messages like the few links Jed posted earlier (A Million Miles Away" May 18) to be contemplated. It seems there is a delicate line between the qualifications of a church planter and the unforseen ways that the Spirit reveals Himself and establishes His church. Would you agree?

Jedidiah said...

Yes Aaron, I agree completely. The establishing of the church both in its most universal and local contexts is truly Christ's work. Church planters are not to rely on rote strategies and programs to grow the church. That said, there is much planning and thought that goes into a church-plant, and this should be Spirit saturated and lead. The mystery is how God takes the ministry of the proclamation of His Word and creates life in the hearts of men, there is no amount of planning or strategizing that can accomplish this.