Thursday, August 23, 2007

TJP Meeting This Weekend

It looks like Sunday August 26th in the late afternoon/evening will work for the most people. Is there anyone who would like to host this gathering? Do we want to do a meal? If so who's bringing what? When exactly (I'm thinking 6ish)? If you can make it, RSVP as a comment here, with if you want to do dinner and if so what you'll bring.


Rubbermagnet said...

i can't host, but i make a great guest. i am down for what ever, i think homemade tacos or hot dogs or homemade tacos sounds good, someone could bring lettuce, others could bring beans, perhaps some salsa, perhaps some sour cream.

AaronPeet said...

I have a commitment from 7-8:30 on Sunday. From what I hear several others can't make it either. I heard a suggestion that we perhaps book a weekday. Works for me, I don't know about the rest of you.

Josh- don't you have a weekday as one of your off days? Let us know which day it is that you could make it.

J-Rutt said...

We can do it at my house at 6.
Everybody bring a side dish. I can get some meat and other items.

Anonymous said...

I can do 6... I have a family dinner thing to go to at like 4 so I probably will have already eaten. I will, however, definitely bring some type of food or drink to contribute.


J-Rutt said...

if you guys are all cool with this my address is

2232 galvani ln.

Vista, ca 92084

mapquest it.

Rubbermagnet said...

i do have a weekday off work but it is now officially been blocked by school. THWARTED. so all's i have is sunday afternoon, evening. is sunday still on?

LiverofGod said...

I believe I told most of you, but for those of you I didn't, I won't be able to attend. I will be out of town visiting my father who is having an eye surgery...

Plus, I believe I need to suffer through some horrendous golf out there...good ol' Palm Desert...

J-Rutt said...

Sunday is on at my house.

Bring something if you come. I will have meet , brad and drinks.

Bring salad, fruit, veggies, whatever is good eating.

Jedidiah said...

guys i will try to make it, but january and i have plans that might run into the evening. if i come it will be last minute, justin i'll call you with the 411 asap